Friday, January 26, 2024

Music Marketing Blog Post #1

I am working on a Music Marketing project with Samantha Burke, Sofia Di Lauro and Julia Amigorena. Our journey began with in-depth research, exploring the current landscape of the music industry, identifying trends, and understanding our target audience. We scoured social media platforms, analyzed streaming data, and examined successful campaigns in similar genres. Personally, I really resonated with Charlie Puth's trajectory and I was engaged in how he works with Atlantic Records. I do not like his music, but he knows exactly who his audience is and he markets towards them. 

Navigating this intricate landscape required constant communication, adaptability, and a willingness to pivot when necessary. The four of us instantly made a group chat and had multiple Facetime calls together to flesh out our ideas. It also helped how we were all currently taking our school's AMT class, and could discuss even more about our project during the free time in there. One issue we faced was how I was taking the weekend of the 26th-29th to do musical theatre auditions in New York. This was a crucial time for filming. We decided to replace my spot in the music video with a friend of ours, Yoav Dahan. He was completely up to the challenge.

All of us were very open to any ideas each of us had. From the beginning though, we already had a similar vision for the band. An indie pop band made up of a family, with their first song being a love story with a Lofi-EDM-soft feeling. We each shared the strengths that we could bring to the table, like Sofia's instruments or Julia's LED lights. After thoroughly considering each of the main three music video types, Promotional, Storytelling, and Artistic, we decided to do a mix of a promo and a story piece. There was absolutely a story to tell through the lyrics of the song, but we had to remember the importance of clips showcasing the band members and introducing the vibe of the band to the world. Below is a chart which highlights our process.

This phase allowed us to gain insights into audience preferences, competitor strategies, and potential gaps in the market. The integration of collaborative tools, visual aids, and a robust team dynamic allowed us to tackle challenges head-on, emerging with a comprehensive plan that fuses creativity with strategic precision. As we transition into the execution phase, the lessons learned during this crucial stage will serve as guiding principles, ensuring "our" song and "our" band reaches the right ears and resonates with the hearts of our audience.

Creative Critical Reflection