Monday, October 30, 2023

Sound Blog Post

A few weeks ago, we completed work on our sound projects. We had to tell a story through only sound effects and auditory techniques. It had to be as detailed as possible and as realistic as possible. Only seven words could be used. At least four of the scenes must be foley and must be created with random objects.

Here is our outline:

Zachary G., Violette M., Joseph M.

Inside Taxi:

  • White noise (to show inside taxi)

  • car engine 

  • Honking in the background 

  • Background radio 

  • Cars driving 

  • Taxi stopping with a screech 

Leaving Taxi:

  • “25 dollars” ***

  • Unzip wallet ***

  • Paper (cash) brushing 

  • Unbuckling seat belt 

  • Opening taxi door ***

  • Stepping off with heels on concrete (two foot steps)

  • Closing car door ***

Entry to club scene:

  • walking in heels on concrete 

  • Loud chatter in background 

  • City sounds (honking, cars driving, random yelling, slight ambulance sound)

  • Walking stops to louder chatter 

  • “ID please” ***

  • Unzipping wallet, handing id ***

  • Velvet rope unbuckled 

  • Walking heels on marble floor 

  • Club music gets louder 

Inside club:

  • club music 

  • Sound of electricity of colorful lights

  • Champagne poured in glasses ***

  • Glasses cling (celebrate)

  • Chair pulled out at bar

  • People yelling, talking, cheering

  • DJ Sounds (vinyl scratch, dubstep, yelling)

Police shuts it down:

  • Police siren getting louder while music stops/gets softer

  • Hear laughter and cheering until they realize

  • Doors open abruptly

  • “Hands up” ***

  • People running, gasping

  • Glass crashing on floor 

  • Thumps of falling

  • No music at end (Scene left with white noise, electricity buzzing, etc.)

- Me and Violette created ideas while Zachary was our main editor. He put together a great setup using Adobe. In the link below, you can see how drastically each sound was meticulously placed. There were some problems with importing vocal files, but we got it sorted out. The main source of error came from volume. Adjusting the volume of each file was very hard. Of course, placing the sound templates in the correct places was hard, but controlling the volume to see if it reflected the POV of the character (who the three of us wanted in the spotlight) was extra hard.
- Recording the foley sounds was fairly easy. We knew that money was a crucial part in the scene, as she needs to pay to her taxi driver. My group used actual cash. It sounded very realistic. Makes sense.
- Some additional foley sounds used were the sounds of heels walking inside and outdoors and a seatbelt buckle sound created by Violette. It seemed very funny to do the foley motions these practices, and we did not think it would work out so well. It was amazing. We think, the average consumer, wouldn't notice anything wrong. 

Final Project:

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