Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Possible Filming Locations

    There are only two locations I need. I definitely need an auditorium to showcase the high school teacher's dream sequence. I will not need an audience of people watching the chorus. The applause wouldn't matter to the teacher. The ultimate goal of the main character is to have a good enough group of students talent-wise in order to be respected as a teacher. The school he teaches at doesn't respect any arts, let alone chorus. Him being able to reserve the auditorium would be a dream.  If I am able to manipulate the lighting opportunities that come with the room, that would be great. I could have a bright singular spotlight showcasing the performance while the audience light is lowered until you can only slightly see the seats. This would further hint at how this performance isn't real. Of course, this lighting would just be a luxury for my project. My first goal is to find an auditorium.

    The second location allows for a lot more freedom. This "rehearsal" that the teacher tries to conduct could take place mostly anywhere. Ideally, it would be in a classroom. This way, it could take place during a period of a chorus class. We could include the school bell ringing (which ends class). My actual chorus teacher from my school has a setup in his room which would be easy to film the second half of my opening in. I am going to ask him if I could film in there sometime soon. Maybe he will relate to the material enough to allow me to do it! Even if that doesn't work out, I think this portion of the opening could be filmed in a hallway, a warehouse, or even outside. In this case, it would be an after-school rehearsal. If this happens, then I would have to take out the school bell and replace it with something else to signal the end of the rehearsal.

    If I am lucky, I would be able to film this entire opening at my school. We have an auditorium at my school, and of course, many classrooms. I think I got a pretty good chance at reserving the auditorium, especially since I'm in there so often due to my Theatre elective. When looking online at my school's activities calendar, I can see what events are upcoming and if any of them use the auditorium. My filming days wouldn't be able to be added to this list for others to see because that would involve a whole other procedure which isn't really needed for what would be 1 or 2 filming sessions. Some notable upcoming days where the auditorium would definitely in use are:

- February 29, March 1, 4, 6-8: Chicago the Musical rehearsals and actual show (which I am in)
- March 5: Latinos in Action meeting
- March 6th: SAT Testing + KEY Club after school
- March 11th: National Honor Society
- March 12th: Debate Tournament + Junior Class Ring Ceremony

After the dates above, the auditorium seems to be completely free. Still, I'm expecting there to be some pop-up meetings from some clubs. I will be away for March 13th-16th for a Thespian Competition. I would be able to film the classroom scenes any day I'm able to stay after school. However, it seems that the only filming days for the auditorium would be a day between March 18th-22nd. This technically aligns with my Schedule blog post, but it is still pretty late to film. I am hoping that it will all work out, but there is definitely a little bit of room in case it doesn't.

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