Thursday, February 29, 2024

Group Meeting 2/29: A Leap Day Miracle

Today we had a group meeting for our film opening projects. I was grouped with 5 other people and learned a lot from the experience. 

Hearing other people's process while working on the project was very enlightening. My group was very varied. There was a person who hadn't chosen their genre yet, and there was a person who completely finished their storyboard already. There was a person who wanted to create a story of relationship abuse, and there was a person who wanted to create a story about amateur robbers. There was even one group of two members (everyone else had worked solo). Seeing everyone's take made me feel relieved because that confirmed that there is not exactly one correct way to complete the project. It is a creative process. There is a due date, but there are many ways to finish by the due date.

One thing which was memorable about the meeting was hearing Agam's storyline for her piece. She is the one who is doing a story about a relationship, and it was very nice to hear how she wants to incorporate a flashback. We all talked about some ways in which she would be able to show it being a flashback through lighting and camerawork, as well as the question of if she even wanted the audience to know it was a flashback at first. The idea of a flashback is pretty close to the dream sequence I have planned for my film. I can't make it look like everyday life. It was very fun to discuss ideas with Agam's similar work.

Flashback from Ratatouille (2007)

When it got time to share and talk through my own project, it was very informative. There weren't necessarily any big problems or questions, but the group members pointed out some details which I'll have to remember and prepare for correctly. One of them is audio. I will be explaining my plans for the singing aspect of my film opening in the future, but for now, just know that recording the audio may be the hardest thing I will have to do for my film opening. The group worked with me in actually recognizing the task ahead of me and figuring out ways to create the most realistic sounds. I will need to practice with some sound editing apps. They also gave some input about the lighting, and how I need to make sure the bright auditorium lights don't completely overpower the actors. 

Overall, I really learned a lot from this group meeting. We're expected to have 1-2 more before April, and I am very excited for them. I'm intrigued about how everyone's portfolio's will progress. 

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