Sunday, March 3, 2024

Finding Actors

    One thing that came up from the group meeting a few days ago was how I would be able to find the right actors for my film opening. I will need a classroom of chorus students. I started off with terrible expectations. I'm assumed that many of the people I knew at school had already been asked to act in an AICE Media project and would not care to be in another. I had to go on a hunt. I decided to ask some of my real friends in my chorus class to be in the piece. They can probably sing. I also threw in some theatre kids, since they can probably sing as well. I put them all into a group chat and gave the whole list of directions if they were to participate in the project. To my surprise, they were all instantly engaged in the concept, and 7 of them gave back quick positive answers.

    I got on a few more verbal confirmations as well while asking around school. I don't believe I need a regular class size of 20 students in my film opening, but I would like as many as possible. This is an amazing start. I just hope that everyone was being truthful in how they believe they'll be available on our filming days. I'm sure that homework and studying and work may conflict. We will be filming on "Week Seven" now. It is a bit late to film, but that week is the only time where everyone is free. Technically, I still wouldn't be going against the original schedule!

    I have one more huge problem. I don't know who to choose to be the main conductor. I am very stuck between choosing a student or choosing an adult. I am not sure if the audience will be able to suspend their disbelief enough if they see a student as a teacher. However, it will be able hard to convince an adult to stay after school for the project. The most possible idea would be asking the actual chorus teacher if he'd like to be the role. Still, I'm sure the filming process will take a few hours and maybe even multiple days. I wouldn't want to put him through that if he is hesitant. I will be contemplating about this. For now, I'm gonna look at my cast and see who could possibly pass for being the conductor and bringing that tired teacher energy. Additionally, it's about time I make the storyboard. 

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